Sunday 4 January 2015

We are a close-knit group of friends, and one of us married someone that the group doesn't really like. How do I deal with this? Please read the details before answering.

Mark Givert, My name is Mark Givert and in ... (more)
Fortunately there is nothing to DO!

Money & power certainly tend to corrupt even the kindest, most generous loving people.

Grow in Love

However life is a classroom and we are here to grow in love.

So to understand that your friend is learning lessons that he needs to learn to grow, is helpful.

To honour each persons growth process, if possible without judgement is good.

To be there and offer support to your friend as & when he may need you, this is the challenge.

Also when we understand why people behave the way they do we develop, more tolerance and more kindness towards them.

See the Good in Each Person

Finally most of us develop the tendency to find fault with others,
This is not good for anyone concerned and as you all well know leads to
discontent and disharmony - which is what is going on.

Use these challenging circumstances to identify the good in your friend and his partner. As you focus on the good in them slowly your feelings will change towards them and this will have a noticeable effect.

You will begin to see them change as a result of you changing your focus to seeing the good in them.

As You Give So You Shall Receive

However you wish your friend and his partner to conduct themselves, you must lead the way.

Meaning you behave in the way you would like them to behave with you.
Be the example and show them the way, with your conduct.

Be kind, understanding, and be attentive. Show interest in what is important to them and you will see change. Ultimately most peoples conduct is designed to genenrate the attention, love and affection that they desire.

Frankly they are craving love and attention and trying to get it in the only way they know how.

So many people are only interested in money NOT people. Hence people tend to make money the object of their attention as it seems to get peoples attention!


Give up finding fault in them, see the good in your friends and conduct yourself in a loving way.

Be the example and behave in the way you would like them to be with you, and change will occur.

Concentrate on the good in all and see how the world changes, see how you change.

We have power to change ourselves and it is our example that can inspire others to change themselves.

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