Friday 29 August 2014

Why is it so important to exercise?

 Answer by Mark Givert

Thank you for your question.

Here Are Some Great Reasons to Exercise

1. Our Lifestyle is Such That we Just do not Move Anymore!

For example; Most of us sit at a desk working all day, then we sit in a car, bus or train to commute.

Then when we have finished work we often go out for a meal and sit down, or we may go to a cinema, theatre or just stay home and sit down and watch TV.

You get the gist of what is going on.

Our lifestyle has become so sedentary that in fact even exercising daily may not be sufficient to undo the damage done by our new lifestyle that involves extended periods of sitting.

We really need to consciously introduce physical activity into our day, throughout the day to combat this very serious problem.

2. Sitting is a Health Risk

Our lifestyle today involves predominantly sitting.

Currently one of the biggest health risks is too much sitting?

Too much sitting is related to increased mortality.

3. Weight Gain

As we sit more we begin to lose muscle mass. Our muscles have a big part to play in controlling our weight.

Simply put muscles burn calories, more muscles more calories burned.

Less muscle the less your body burns calories.

Of course what we are seeing generally is increasing problems for people who are gaining weight.
The implication is clear if you do not exercise you will have less muscle mass, your body will not burn so many calories and as for so many of us we just get fat and put on weight.

4. Boost Immunity

One great benefit of exercise is that when you work hard enough you will raise your body temperature.

This has the effect of creating an artificial fever that helps purge the body of unwanted infections.

Also raising the body temperature by just 1 degree Celsius can boost immunity by 30-40 percent.

Similarly when we do not exercise our body temperature tends to reduce increasing our susceptibility to infection!

5. Human Growth Hormone - Regenerate

High intensity exercise triggers the production of Human Growth hormone that helps the body regenerate and repair itself....surely that alone is a good reason for exercise!

6. Feel Great

Exercise generates endorphins that make you feel great.

So all in all these are just a few reasons to exercise there are many many more.

There is a tremendous amount of research also relating to how exercise can help with many illnesses, including helping with pain relief.

The list of benefits truly is endless.

Sunday 24 August 2014

Criticism and pressuring versus motivating and guiding.
Which is better?
What are the pros and the cons?
When should one use which one?

Answer by Mark Givert

Thank you for your question.

Ultimately We  are seeking a solution to a problem.

''The quality of our communication can  
                                                  be determined by it's outcome.''

                  Often poor performance is the result of poor communication.

A good, boss or manager will take full responsibility for the performance of his team.

When someone is making mistakes or not performing as they should......the bottom line, it's so often down to poor training, poor communication, and often a lack of guidance.

Why does this happen?
Often we all are under pressure, and so do not take our time and do the right things right. Most people are often so busy multi-tasking that they are often unable to perform even a single task effectively!

We so often expect people to successfully undertake a task in the way we want but in so many cases insufficient time has been invested in training, guiding or even making sure the task at hand is clearly explained or understood. Everyone is in a hurry  and this COSTS everybody concerned.

Poor Performance
Poor performance of team members so often is down to the person in charge; the one allocating the tasks.

The Blame Game
Naturally people blame others for mistakes or problems, however when the person in charge takes full responsibility for what is going on then everything can change.

It is a rare individual who can receive criticism of any kind,  constructive or otherwise. So this approach is not so helpful for most people.

Ultimately focus on solutions and how to achieve the goal at hand. This is really the most important point.

Most people waste so much time focussing on problems, when the only thing of any real value is the solution.

The only purpose of a problem is to yield the solution for you to become more efficient and successful in whatever activity you are involved with. Problems stimulate growth and learning, that is all.


i) Do not Blame anyone for mistakes.
ii) Focus on Solutions,
iii) Take the time to explain tasks clearly and then
iv) Ensure the worker bee involved has understood exactly what is
v) Invite your fellow worker to come to you at any time if he needs guidance or help.

This final step v) can avoid so many problems.

Empowerment is the Way
Empower people to perform to the best of their ability, help them grow strong, train them well, build confidence, give them responsibility and see them flourish......the result should be that is they become great at what they do and are able to perform the task at hand far better than the person delegating the task.

Surely that is exactly what you want?

A Job Well Done!

Saturday 16 August 2014

How can I make myself stop hating exercise?
Answer from: Mark Givert -

What you are experiencing is really quite normal. Many people find working out plain boring.

So most important is to be clear on;

1.What Benefits do You Want From Exercise?

Make a list of what benefits you would like from your exercise.

There is much research showing that exercise really is one of the best ways to achieve excellent health & maintain it.


Also high intensity exercise triggers production of Human Growth Hormone, which is responsible for youth and longevity.

Exercise is Good for Mind & Body

The list really is endless; the point is exercise is really beneficial not just for the body but also the mind.

Exercise provides a means of developing mental strength, endurance and improved ability to focus  and concentrate. These qualities are invaluable as they enable you to succeed in all arenas of life.

                  Have Enough Good Reasons to Motivate You

                     So be clear on your motivation to exercise -
                                      Enjoyment is Enough.

2. Think Activity NOT Exercise

Many of us make the mistake of thinking exercise must be in a Gymn and that it must be in the form of a workout.......absolutely not.

The Exercise Effect
Exercise will trigger the production of endorphins...making you feel good.
Hence once you begin working out it becomes pretty addictive as you start to feel great.

The more you do the more you want to do.

There may be a little time lag before you feel this as it takes time to get the body working again if you have been sedentary or not so active.

Replace the Word Exercise With Activity
With the work we do we talk about an Activity Plan; which is really constructive as many people do not like the idea of exercise.

3. Identify the Physical Activities You Love

Identify all the activities you love - make a list.

A range of physical activities can include any sport, Tennis, Golf, Football, Rugby, Walking, Swimming, Running, Riding a Bike, Dancing, Disco, Clubbing, Salsa, Ballet, Lifting Weights, Martial Arts, Boxing, Fencing, Running, Kayaking......  you get the idea. Basically anything involving physical movement.

Now you have the bigger picture and much more scope. Anything that involves physical motion.

4. Decide to Lead an Active Life

Make a decision to lead a more active lifestyle through increased physical activities that you really enjoy that provide the exercise you need.

Today we now sit the majority of the time and this is a big problem.

5. Enjoyment

So here the point is this that instead of undertaking exercise for the sake of it;
      Instead you are now undertaking activities that you love, 
                                simply because you enjoy them.

The result of you doing what you love to do is that you get the exercise you need. This works nicely.

I know this works, because I find exercise really boring, however when I walk the dog, or go running, boxing, kayaking, playing tennis etc, I really enjoy all of these things.

So by choosing the activities you love you get the exercise you need and you feel great.

                                          IT REALLY IS A WIN WIN SITUATION

Sunday 10 August 2014

People were created to be loved.

Things were created to be used.
The world is in chaos is because " things are being loved and people are being used?''

Mark's Answer
Mark Givert 
Mark Givert, My name is Mark Givert and in ... (more)

Thank you for this most profound question.
Let us divide the question into  2 parts:


1. People Are Created to be Loved?

Let us address this first part of the question, which essentially is;

Why are we Created?

I would ask you all the following question:

                 ''Do You Want to LOVE or to be LOVED?''

The answer may be one or the other or in fact both.

                   ''We are most happy and joyful when
                         we are loved and we are loving.''

To Love & be Loved

To give or receive love? 

                          '' We Must LOVE Ourselves ''

Meaning that if you do not feel worthy of love:

i)  You cannot receive LOVE - because you do not believe you deserve it &

ii) You cannot Give LOVE - If you cannot receive LOVE, or GIVE LOVE  to 

In other words to Love in any way starts with us loving ourselves.

Love in Action

The great Master Yogis or Saints & Sages throughout the ages are in fact incarnations of love.

They are the living examples of:

                                         ''LOVE in ACTION''

Love in action means simply an active, living expression of love.

When we are able to love our own selves without the least reserve then we will be the most loving that we can be.

SO were People  Created to be Loved?

    We are LOVE.....
         & life is an opportunity for US to GROW in LOVE

Receiving Love
When we receive love or allow ourselves to be loved, you help the giver of love to grow in Love.

Giving Love

                                                               ''Love Has No Cause''

When we give Love we grow as we give and we nurture the loved one and give an example of how to live in LOVE.

When we give love without expectation or desire to receive anything in return for the love we give, this is called RISING in LOVE or giving love unconditionally.

The Goal of Life

Loving without the least reserve without any expectation, loving for the sake of loving is commonly known as UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
                                                 ''This is why we are alive to aspire to this
                                                            the highest goal of life.''

                                                                         TO LOVE

Your Life is an Expression of Love

Our lives are an expression of love, to a lesser or greater extent depending on our development. But it's all love.

Part 2

The reason the world is in chaos is because " things are being loved and people are being used?''

The apparent chaos in the world is merely representative of  our current capacity to LOVE.

People seek to find love in the objects of the world or things, because they truly do not know where to find the love that they seek!

So much do we want this love that we are willing to try anything and look anywhere to find it. Everywhere except within ourselves?

Our nature is to love, to give love and often we are happiest when we are giving love to others.

If there is chaos it is because we need to learn how to love more.

If it seems people are being used; it is only to find love.

                                                                        Live in LOVE.....

Be the example of the loving person and you will become the change that you want to see in the world.

Your very own example will serve to change the world one person at a time, as you inspire others with the legacy of your life. A Life of Love.

                                      Change Yourself, Be More Loving & the World has one More 
                                                                        Loving Person in it.

                                                       This Way You Begin to Change the World.

Why is it bad to eat before going to sleep?
Is it even bad at all?

Mark's Answer
Mark Givert 
Mark Givert, My name is Mark Givert and in ... (more)

The body has a natural rhythm;

There is a time for rest, and a time for work.

Naturally most of our activity should be during the day. However given modern life, for many of us as we finish work at the end of the day this is when we have free time.

So for many people they become active at night, whether this is social activity or indeed more work.

Naturally the body starts winding down towards the end of the day and digestive processes do the same.

For this reason the Yogic wisdom suggests that your Dinner should be the lightest meal of the day!

Most people begin most of their eating at the end of the day during their free time at night.

So as people tend to eat more in the evening alot of the food eaten is actually not digested and thus contributes to weight gain and toxic overload.