Wednesday 28 January 2015

  How Can we Help People
Become More Accepting of Mental Illness?

There May be Something You can Do!

Thank you for this wonderful question which gives me an opportunity to share valauable  information that may give hope where perhaps there is none.

Commonly it appears that there is little you can do in the circumstances of Mental illness. I want to share a slightly different view of possible causal factors contributing to Mental illness or more accuratley cognitive disruption/disturbance.

Over the years we have worked with many people who suffer from what I would call cognitive disturbance or disruption.

I refer to it in this way because we have observed that there can be a correlation between systemic infection, systemic inflammation, toxicity and mental illness/cognitive disruption.

We have seen chemicals called endocrine disruptors (WHO Health report on Endocrine Disruptors – 2012) disturb the production of hormones contributing to mental dysfunction, leading to the disruption of neurotransmitter production.

In addition we have also seen heavy metals contribute to mental disruption.
We are exposed to heavy metals through the air, our food and water supply
(See the Who Report – Exposure to Mercury – A Major Public Health Concern)

Also take a look at The Impact of Heavy Metal Toxicity on Your Health

Mental Illness due to Infection from Gut Bacteria

I will give one example. A common issue is gut inflammation leading to gut permeability. This can lead to systemic inflammation and infection.

Originally it was thought that systemic inflammation had no impact on the blood brain barrier. However it appears that the blood brain barrier can be affected by this systemic inflammation.

The result is Permeability of the blood brain barrier - Leaky Brain. This is a big deal because with leaky gut we know that organisms (viruses, bacteria, even friendly bacteria) leak into the blood and travel around the body causing havoc.

There is one study showing how friendly gut bacteria migrated through a leaky gut, and travelled to the brain. The friendly bacateria colonised the brain and began fermenting neurotransmitters; this led to the patient suffering from 'Psychotic Episodes'.

Please see the following study:

Disclosure of the major causes of mental illness—mitochondrial deterioration in brain neurons via opportunistic infection  Katsunari Nishihara -Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry 2012

Conclusion - There May be Something You can Do!

One again thank you so much for this question and giving me the opportunity to share this information.

So what we consider to be mental illness may often be the result of far less complex health problems such as toxicity, systemic infection, systemic inflammation and gut permeability. These can all be addressed realtively easily.

We have also seen clients exhbit extreme signs of mental disturbance when eliminating heavy metals from the body during a heavy metal cleansing.

To conclude it is possible that the factors above may contribute to some people who suffer from so called 'Mental illness''.

The causes of some mental illness/disturbance may be related to less complex health issues  that are realtively simple to address.

Hypothesis: It may be possible to address Certain Cases of Mental Illness with a programme of nutrition, detoxification, reducing systemic inflammation & infection and healing the gut.

The point is there may be much that you can do and try to assist your loved ones.

Sunday 4 January 2015

I have been full of excuses on everything in my life. How can I get rid of such habits?

Mark Givert, My name is Mark Givert and in ... (more)

Focus on Where you Want your Life to Go

Life is like driving a Car!

Once you know how to drive you can learn how to avoid crashing when you skid and direct the car where you want it to go.

                     Now what you learn is this,
         the car will go wherever you are looking.

Where Your attention is, this is exactly where your life will go.

So  here is the thing, what happens to most people is that they panic and  keep looking at the wall they are heading towards.......guess what? They  will go where their gaze is. So surprise, surprise they hit the wall.

To avoid hitting the wall YOU MUST LOOK WHERE YOU WANT THE CAR TO GO and steer it in that direction.

So when you are taught to come out of a skid, initially you have lost control of your vehicle.

You regain control of the car and drive to safety by focussing on where you
need the car to go and steer in that direction to avoid an accident.

So the same is true for life, do not focus on the fear, concentrate on where you want to go NOT where you do not want to go.

                              ''Where your attention is there you are''

Focus on the fear ... you get exactly what you are afraid of.

   However focus on where you want to go with your life, take    
       action accordingly and that is exactly where you will go.

See: Superfuel for Success - Gratitude

See:  Healthy Thinking

Do iron supplements work for general tiredness?

Mark Givert, My name is Mark Givert and in ... (more)

One of the biggest causes of fatigue is dehydration.

Unless you are drinking pure water and up to  2 litres a day, plus minerals,
the chances are you are dehydrated.

In addition most other beverages; Coffee, tea, fruit juices, fizzy sweet drinks, all of these dehydrate you.

Finally too much sugar also dehydrates you......

For more energy drink pure real (preferably filtered) water, and reduce the rest!

We are a close-knit group of friends, and one of us married someone that the group doesn't really like. How do I deal with this? Please read the details before answering.

Mark Givert, My name is Mark Givert and in ... (more)
Fortunately there is nothing to DO!

Money & power certainly tend to corrupt even the kindest, most generous loving people.

Grow in Love

However life is a classroom and we are here to grow in love.

So to understand that your friend is learning lessons that he needs to learn to grow, is helpful.

To honour each persons growth process, if possible without judgement is good.

To be there and offer support to your friend as & when he may need you, this is the challenge.

Also when we understand why people behave the way they do we develop, more tolerance and more kindness towards them.

See the Good in Each Person

Finally most of us develop the tendency to find fault with others,
This is not good for anyone concerned and as you all well know leads to
discontent and disharmony - which is what is going on.

Use these challenging circumstances to identify the good in your friend and his partner. As you focus on the good in them slowly your feelings will change towards them and this will have a noticeable effect.

You will begin to see them change as a result of you changing your focus to seeing the good in them.

As You Give So You Shall Receive

However you wish your friend and his partner to conduct themselves, you must lead the way.

Meaning you behave in the way you would like them to behave with you.
Be the example and show them the way, with your conduct.

Be kind, understanding, and be attentive. Show interest in what is important to them and you will see change. Ultimately most peoples conduct is designed to genenrate the attention, love and affection that they desire.

Frankly they are craving love and attention and trying to get it in the only way they know how.

So many people are only interested in money NOT people. Hence people tend to make money the object of their attention as it seems to get peoples attention!


Give up finding fault in them, see the good in your friends and conduct yourself in a loving way.

Be the example and behave in the way you would like them to be with you, and change will occur.

Concentrate on the good in all and see how the world changes, see how you change.

We have power to change ourselves and it is our example that can inspire others to change themselves.

Is life even worth living at this point?

Mark Givert, My name is Mark Givert and in ... (more)

Life will challenge us

Life is challenging and will test strengthen us, and make us more loving.

All the difficulties you face, you are not alone. So many others face these very same issues and more.

Ironically everything you learn to overcome these challenges will put you in a position to help so many people in your position. We rarely realise this at the time.

By you rising to this challenge, help yourself and you will be able to help end the suffering of many others who have similar problems.

Feeling Good Needs a Plan

I have faced similar times and adopted an uplifting approach to my dilemma.

I realised that I just did not feel good! And that actually all we really want is to feel good. Whether our partner, friends or activities help us to feel good it all boils down to a feeling....feeling good or feeling great.

So I set about putting together a plan to do things daily that made me feel good, and I would make this a top priority.


Physical  Activity/exercise is a great way to grow stronger physically and  mentally. Also you feel good after exercise due to the endorphins  produced by your own body.

Undertake  regular physical exercise and you will find that as you become  phyically stronger so you also grow in mental strength. It really  is  true, healthy body healthy mind.


What weight of barbells/dumbbell is recommended for a beginner in bodybuilding (trying for first time in life) and how many times per day?

Take a Walk

One of the simplest ways to help you feel good is  to take a walk in nature, regularly. The beauty of nature transforms, nurtures and uplifts us. Just being in nature surrounded by all that beauty is overwhelming and reminds us just how much beauty there is in this world.

We need reminding, because we forget and become engrossed in our suffering.

Take a look at the Butterfly's lesson: