Sunday 13 July 2014

Vitamins: How seriously do you take recent reports that vitamin and mineral supplements are "often" a waste of money?

 Mark Givert, My name is Mark Givert and in ... (more)

What I love about this question is where it leads.

What I mean by this is that the whole idea/suggestion that we need some kind of supplement to improve health opens a Pandora's box of issues.

Poor Digestion - A Cause of Deficiencies
Often  gut function for many people is disrupted meaning that they cannot  digest and absorb their food properly leading to a host of deficiencies.

Toxic Overload - Another Cause of Deficiency
Also  the ingestion of Chemicals, Toxins, Herbicides, Pesticides that  accumulate in the body often lead to a variety of nutritional   deficiencies that need dealing with.

Address the Cause of the Problem
Nutritional deficiencies are a real issue  that need resolution. However what needs to be dealt with are the causes  of the problem, which often include a toxic overload and a poorly functioning digestive system.

Supplements often cannot be absorbed.
Many supplements are simply not bio-available meaning that they contain what they claim, you just cannot absorb them?

Quite often when people are unwell  their ability to digest and assimilate is compromised  making it difficult to benefit from the supplements. We have seen this happen a lot over the years.

Repair Your Gut
One of the most effective solutions we have found for dealing with deficiency is actually Gut Repair and Detox. The result of such an approach is that you digest food better and absorb nutrients more effectively and the whole body thus begins to operate properly.

The Question of Food - Pesticides/Herbicides
Unfortunately food today is not as nutritious as it was  say 100 years ago.

Modern farming methods are actually destroying our natural ecosystem - meaning that the mineral content of soil is hugely reduced and depleted.

The result is that food & vegetables now contains less nutrients than ever before which is why everything is now added....extra calcium etc.

So in fact we need more food to ensure we get the nutrients needed.

Supplement with Juices Made from Organic Vegetables -
NOT Conventional Produce
There are a few ways to boost nutrient intake, a very powerful way to do this is  juicing. It enables you to consume huge amounts of nutrients that you just could not consume if you simply ate the foods.

For example you may juice a few heads of Broccoli, and a few bags of salad and greens you just would not eat this amount.

Many people substitute juices for their meals, whilst this can be helpful, ideally to include juices as a part of your everyday diet is good news.

When I say juices I refer to vegetable juices and mainly green vegetables. Fruits and high sugar vegetables contain just that...sugar and taking large quantities of sweet juices means your are consuming alot of sugar. Sweet veggies or fruits are ok in moderation.

To much sugar is not good even if it is Natural. Too much sugar of any kind natural or processed is not good.

I hear you say ... but it is natural. Well so is Arsenic!

Do NOT Juice Conventional Vegetables - Go Organic

Because you are using alot more of the vegetables and with that comes more herbicides and pesticides. So with your extra nutrients you get a lot more chemicals into the body which is not good news.

It really needs to be organic vegetables that you use.

Supplement With High Nutrient Foods
A great way to get the extra nutrients you need is to make a juice and take it 20 minutes before your meal. This is also helpful as you consume alot of live enzymes  that will help digestion and HELP KEEP YOU YOUNG would you believe.

Supplement With Live Foods
Many of the foods we consume are cooked to death and contain no enzymes or beneficial bacteria.

One simple remedy is to consume live foods-Make your own fermented foods;

Sauerkraut, Rejuvelac, Kimchi, & Kefir.

Radiant health will result and best of all a regular intake of good bacteria improves digestion, immunity and relieves constipation.

You will be bouncing off the walls and looking 10 years younger.

   Now surely that is a good enough reason to do this stuff!!!

Please See:

Top 10 Toxins

Where do Toxins Come From 
Sources of Toxins

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